Search for rock
We’ve searched for media titles (including their former names and callsigns), tags, places, and people named ‘rock’, and for media news stories. We’ve also attempted to correct some misspellings, too.
Media titles and organisations
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Other organisations
Andy Brock
Presenter, Phonic FM

Presenter, Virgin Media One
Gerard Rocks
Chairman, Hospital Radio Reading
Katie Horrocks
Presenter, Rare FM
Kian Horrocks
Presenter, 96.5 Bolton FM

CEO, Adio
Paul Artrocker
Publisher, Artrocker Magazine Ltd
Peter Laverock
Presenter, Islands FM 107.9
Robin Rock
Presenter, WMJJ - Magic 96.5
Rockin Dave
Presenter, 95.6 BRFM
Presenter, Ministry of Sound Radio
Rocky (X-Press 2)
Presenter, Ministry of Sound Radio
Rocky Barnette
Presenter, KAKQ-FM - Magic 101.1
Ryan Sturrock
Presenter, Crystal FM
Saul Rockett
Presenter, Radio Ninesprings

Webmaster, HWD Hospital Radio
Tom Artrocker
Publisher, Artrocker Magazine Ltd
Based in ‘rock’

Other organisations
Media news archive

Standing on the Shoulders of Kitties: The Bubbles and the Shitrockers Story review – goofs on tour
The Guardian - published 2 months ago

Tom Petty: Heartbreakers Beach Party review – 80s solid-rock nostalgia fest is a trip
The Guardian - published 4 months, 4 weeks ago

Nedd Brockmann and We Are Mobilise challenge milk companies to join The MOOOVEMENT, via Bursty
Mumbrella - published 5 months, 3 weeks ago

We’ve returned the last fifteen stories - there are over fifty in our database.