
Spirit 94.1 Hedland

Classic Rock & Today's Hits
AU flagAustralian radio stations

Facts and stats

Spirit 94.1 Hedland is an adult contemporary radio station broadcast by Redwave Media, a subsidiary of Seven West Media.

Part of the Spirit Radio Network broadcasting to regional and remote areas of Western Australia, the station previously broadcast on the 1026 AM frequency, converting to FM on 22 December 2017 as part of the ACMA's AM to FM conversion program.

Editorial areaPort Hedland, WA
Launched25 November 1977
OwnerRedwave Media

Contact Spirit 94.1 Hedland

Telephone+61 8 6332 1201
Official website

Social media

FacebookSpirit 94.1 Hedland (4,778 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Instagramspirithedland (192 followers) compare

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Dan Cole Content Director

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Other information

Spirit 94.1 Hedland logo archive

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