
Search for birth

We’ve searched for media titles (including their former names and callsigns), tags, places, and people named ‘birth’, and for media news stories. We’ve also attempted to correct some misspellings, too.

Media titles and organisations


95.6 B Radio95.6 B Radio
GB flagReading 
Bro RadioBro Radio
GB flagThe Vale of Glamorgan 
2BOB Radio 104.7FM2BOB Radio 104.7FM
AU flagManning Valley, NSW 
All Oldies RadioAll Oldies Radio
GB flagHerts, Beds & Bucks 
B Radio BasingstokeB Radio Basingstoke
GB flagBasingstoke 
B Radio PortsmouthB Radio Portsmouth
GB flagPortsmouth 


Based in ‘birth’


AU flagGreater Sydney 
Pulse 98.4Pulse 98.4
GB flagBarrhead, Paisley & East Renfrewshire areas 

Media news archive

Big birthday bash planned for Bradford broadcastersBig birthday bash planned for Bradford broadcasters
GB flagRadioToday - published 1 month, 1 week ago
Sunrise Radio celebrates 35th birthday will an all request weekSunrise Radio celebrates 35th birthday will an all request week
GB flagRadioToday - published 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Ceefax 50th birthday party in four paragraphs
GB flagPress Gazette - published 2 months, 3 weeks ago
FCC Gives ‘Indiscreta’ Rebirth Opportunity To PhoenixFCC Gives ‘Indiscreta’ Rebirth Opportunity To Phoenix
US flagRBR/TVBR - published 4 months, 2 weeks ago
10 cuts the cake for 60th birthday
AU flagTV Tonight - published 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Howard Hughes to join Radio News Hub for its ninth birthday
GB flagRadioToday - published 9 months, 3 weeks ago
Hispanic Radio Conferences Gives Birth To Broadcaster Alliance
US flagRBR/TVBR - published 10 months, 2 weeks ago
King sends greeetings for press club’s 140th birthday
GB flagHold the Front Page - published 1 year ago
Tower shines red and white to mark newspaper’s 150th birthday
GB flagHold the Front Page - published 1 year ago

We’ve returned the last fifteen stories - there are over fifty in our database.