
Weather 24/7 Radio Portsmouth

All weather, all day
GB flagBritish radio stations

Facts and stats

Editorial areaSolent
Launched1 September 2016
OwnerAngel Radio Ltd

Contact Weather 24/7 Radio Portsmouth

Postal address17 Market Parade
Official website

Social media

Twitter@weather247radio (105 followers) compareFollow Weather 24/7 Radio Portsmouth on Twitter
FacebookWeather 24/7 Radio (61 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Latest news stories

UK’s first all weather radio station to launch
UK’s first all weather radio station to launch
RadioToday - published 27 August 2016, 10.58pm bst


Ash Elford Station Manager
David Gauld Developer
Loretta Leonard Presenter

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Other information

Weather 24/7 Radio Portsmouth logo archive

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Ash E, Martin P and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.