
RedTrain Express

The Jazz Music of the 21st Century
GB flagBritish radio stations

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Facts and stats

RedTrain Express is a modern jazz music internet radio station from The Jazz UK.

The station is currently part of the small scale DAB trial in Portsmouth.

Editorial areaUK
Launched15 January 2015

Contact RedTrain Express

Telephone+44 333 344 8081
Official website

Social media

Twitter@TheJazzUK1 (2,189 followers) compareFollow RedTrain Express on Twitter
FacebookThe Jazz UK (1,516 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Instagramthejazzuk (137 followers) compare


Andy Field Presenter
Andy Field Presenter
David Prever Presenter
Ian Starling Managing Director
Laurens Chuno Presenter
Mike Howard Presenter
Stephen Howie Presenter

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Other information

RedTrain Express logo archive

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How can I listen to RedTrain Express?

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to The J, Vincent L and Martin P for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.