Looprevil Radio
LJMU's official radio station

British radio stations

Facts and stats
Looprevil Radio is the student radio station of Liverpool Students' Union and Liverpool John Moores University.Wikipedia
Editorial area | Liverpool John Moores University |
Former names | ShoutFM Shout Radio |
Contact Looprevil Radio
Postal address | The Haigh, Maryland Street, Liverpool, L1 9DE |
Telephone: reception | +44 151 231 4946 |
Telephone: studio | +44 151 231 4946 |
Telephone: studio | +44 151 231 4946 |
Official website | looprevilradio.co.uk |
Wikipedia | Looprevil_Radio |
Social media
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Do you know this radio station’s launch date? Please add it to our directory.
Other information
This is a user-edited website. Thank you to James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.