
100% Dragon Hits

100% Hits
GB flagBritish radio stations

Listen to 100% Dragon Hits

You can hear 100% Dragon Hits on DAB Digital Radio and online

Facts and stats

100% Dragon Hits is a digital hit music radio station for South Wales and the West owned and operated by 100% Dragon Hits Ltd. The station branding is owned by The Triple Broadcast Company.

Editorial areaSouth Wales and the West of England
FormatTop 40
Most playedLauv & Troye Sivan, Calvin Harris & Rag'N'Bone Man, Mark Ronson feat. Miley CyrusRadiomonitor
Launched3 October 2014
Owner100% Media Group
Former namesTriple Hits

Contact 100% Dragon Hits

Postal addressThe Gate
Keppoch Street
CF24 3JW
Official website

Social media

Twitter@100dragonhits (147 followers) compareFollow 100% Dragon Hits on Twitter
Facebook100% Dragon Hits (402 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Allan Lake Presenter
Allan Lake Station Director

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Other information

100% Dragon Hits logo archive

Can we help?

How can I listen to 100% Dragon Hits?

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Vincent L, Mike B, James C and Martin P for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.