Next Radio announces final speakers and schedule
From a press release to
Posted 29 August 2014, 5.45pm bst

Next Radio, the radio ideas conference has just announced its final set of speakers and the full schedule for the 8th September event.
Joining the line-up is Heart London's Executive Producer for Breakfast Geoff Jein, Absolute Radio's Head of Production Dan Wright, Jonathan Ruffle, the Producer of Radio 4's WW1 drama serial Tommies, TBI Media's Phil Critchlow, 2ZY's John Ryan, Global's Head of Social Charles Ubaghs and 'geek songstress' Helen Arney.
The full speaker line-up and schedule is now available here.
Tickets are only available until the end of Monday 1st September.
Organiser Matt Deegan says "We're really pleased with the great speakers we have at this year's Next Radio. The conference is built around ideas that you can take back to your radio station or production company - whether you're in production, online or sales there's something for you."