

La chaîne culturelle francophone mondiale
FR flagFrench television channels

Facts and stats

TV5MONDE FBSM is a global public service channel with programming from France, Switzerland, Belgium, Monaco and Canada's public service broadcasters based in Paris.

The FBSM version of TV5MONDE has a slightly different schedule which reflects the programming rights of Francophone Europe compared to the rest of the continent.

Editorial areaFrance, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland & Monaco
Launched2 January 1984
Former namesTV5MONDE FBS


Postal address131 avenue de Wagram
Telephone+33 144 18 55 55
Official website

Social media

Twitter@TV5MONDE (1,366,571 followers) compareFollow TV5MONDE FBSM on Twitter
FacebookTV5MONDE (2,763,805 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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TV5MONDE FBSM logo archive

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