

La chaîne culturelle francophone mondiale
GB flagBritish television channels

Facts and stats

TV5MONDE Europe is a global French language channel showcasing programming from PSB's in France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland and Monaco.

The European version of TV5MONDE broadcasts to the UK and Ireland and other non-French speaking countries, while the Francophone countries in Europe receive FBSM.

Editorial areaEurope (except France, Belgium, Switzerland, Monaco)
Launched2 January 1984
Former namesTV5 Europe

Contact TV5MONDE Europe

Postal addressc/o Medialink
Kings House
14 Orchard Street
Telephone+44 117 954 9189
Official website

Social media

Twitter: other@TV5MONDEUK (2,083 followers) compareFollow TV5MONDE Europe on Twitter
FacebookTV5MONDE (2,763,805 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
Like TV5MONDE Europe on Facebook

Latest news stories

RadioWeek : nouvelle offre de podcast pour TV5 Monde
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 2 February 2023, 9.30am gmt
TV5 Monde Plus comes to Netgem TV
TV5 Monde Plus comes to Netgem TV
Broadband TV News - published 19 April 2022, 11.53am bst
Switzerland gives green light for Monaco to join TV5 Monde
Switzerland gives green light for Monaco to join TV5 Monde
Broadband TV News - published 27 October 2021, 11.27am bst
Un ouvrage qui surpasse les médias en classe
Un ouvrage qui surpasse les médias en classe
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 30 March 2021, 8.00am bst
Africa Radio et TV5 Monde célèbrent ensemble l'Afrique et la musique
Africa Radio et TV5 Monde célèbrent ensemble l'Afrique et la musique
La Lettre.Pro Radio - published 17 June 2020, 1.00pm bst


Yves Bigot Managing Editor

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Other information

TV5MONDE Europe logo archive

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