
That's TV South Wales

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Facts and stats

That's TV South Wales is a local tv channel for Swansea and surrounding areas of South West Wales owned and operated by That's TV who acquired the channel in December 2017.

Editorial areaSwansea
Launched12 July 2016
OwnerThat's Television
Former namesBay TV Swansea

Contact That's TV South Wales

Postal addressUniversity of Wales Trinity Saint David
Dynevor Campus
De La Beche Street
Telephone+44 1792 481254
Official website
Press releases

Social media

Twitter@ThatsSouthWales (1,569 followers) compareFollow That's TV South Wales on Twitter
FacebookThat's TV Swansea Bay (6,404 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Chris Davies Presenter
Gaina Morgan Presenter
Henry Darby-Cook Presenter
Phil Hoyles Presenter
Rachel Hopkins Presenter

…at That's Television

Daniel Cass Chief Executive
Kris Vaiksalu Head of Programming

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That's TV South Wales logo archive

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