
Racing TV

Welcome to the new home of British & Irish Racing
GB flagBritish television channels

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Facts and stats

Racing UK Limited was launched as a subscription channel in 2004 with 30 racecourses as shareholders.Wikipedia

Editorial areaUK & Ireland
Launched1 September 2004
Former namesRacing UK

Contact Racing TV

Postal addressTote House
74 Upper Richmond Road
SW15 2SU
Telephone+44 870 735 9150
Official website

Social media

Twitter@RacingTV (218,976 followers) compareFollow Racing TV on Twitter
FacebookRacing TV (125,972 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Latest news stories

At The Races channel to relaunch as Sky Sports Racing at start of next year
At The Races channel to relaunch as Sky Sports Racing at start of next year
The Guardian - published 30 April 2018, 11.53am bst

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Racing TV logo archive

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Martin P and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.