

All your favourite British dramas, featuring an array of famous faces - available free to air in the UK
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Facts and stats

Drama is a digital television channel broadcasting drama programming in the United Kingdom and Ireland as part of the UKTV network of channels. The channel launched on 8 July 2013, replacing Blighty.Wikipedia

Editorial areaUK & Ireland
Launched8 July 2013
National salesChannel 4 Television Corporation
Former namesDrama
Viewing figures:Weekly top 10BARB

Contact U&Drama

Postal address245 Hammersmith Road
W6 8PW
Telephone+44 845 734 4355
Official website

Social media

Twitter@dramachannel (11,152 followers) compareFollow U&Drama on Twitter
FacebookDrama Channel (40,471 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Adrian Wills Programme Director

…at UKTV

Claire Astley HR Director
Darren Childs Chief Executive Officer
Emma Tennant Controller
Jan Gooze-Zijl Chief Financial and Operations Officer
Keith Porritt Executive Director of Commercial
Simon Michaelides Marketing Director

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U&Drama logo archive

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Tomas McDermott (, Martin P and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.