
BBC Persian

British television channels

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Facts and stats

BBC Persian Television is the BBC's Persian language news channel that was launched on 14 January 2009.Wikipedia

Editorial areaGlobal
Launched14 January 2009

Contact BBC Persian

Postal addressBBC Broadcasting House
Official website

Social media

Twitter@bbcpersian (2,254,629 followers) compare
Twitter: Press Office@bbcpress (215,092 followers) compare
Twitter: Jobs@BBCCareers (129,439 followers) compare

Latest news stories

BBC Persian shares Norouz content with Afghanistan’s Yak TV
Rapid TV News - published 21 March 2017, 7.03am gmt


…at BBC

Amol Rajan Media Editor
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson Non-Executive Director
Beth Parsons Broadcast Journalist, BBC Look North Yorkshire
Bob Shennan Group Managing Director
Charlotte Moore Chief Content Officer
Chris Roberts Project Engineer
Dame Elan Closs Stephens Member for Wales
Deborah Turness CEO of News and Current Affairs
Gautam Rangarajan Group Director of Strategy and Performance
Glyn Isherwood Chief Operating Officer (2)
Helen Boaden Director of BBC Radio
Ian Hargreaves Non-Executive Director
June Sarpong Director of Creative Diversity
Ken MacQuarrie Director of Nations & Regions
Kerris Bright Chief Customer Officer
Leigh Tavaziva Chief Operating Officer
Richard Sharp Chairman
Robbie Gibb Member for England
Shirley Garrood Non-Executive Director
Sir Nicholas Serota Senior Independent Director
Steve Morrison Member for Scotland
Tim Davie Director General
Tom Fussell CEO - BBC Studios
Tom Glenwright Producer

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Other information

BBC Persian logo archive

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