
Rire et Chansons

La radio officielle du rire
FR flagFrench radio stations

Facts and stats

Rire et Chansons is a French radio station which mixes comedy sketches, mainly from stand-up with a mix of pop-rock music.

Editorial areaFrance & Monaco
Launched14 November 1989
OwnerNRJ Group

Contact Rire et Chansons

Postal address22 rue Boileau
Telephone+33 1 407 1400
Official website

Social media

Twitter@rirechansons (23,600 followers) compareFollow Rire et Chansons on Twitter
Instagramrireetchansons (1,550 followers) compare

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Other information

Rire et Chansons logo archive

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Olivier J and Martin P for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.