
My Canberra Digital

My Life, My Music, My Radio
AU flagAustralian radio stations

Listen to My Canberra Digital

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Facts and stats

Editorial areaCanberra, ACT
Launched15 July 2010
OwnerCapital Radio Network
National salesTRSN

Contact My Canberra Digital

Postal address1st Floor
52 Hoskins Street
ACT 2911
Telephone+61 2 6241 1911
Official website

Social media

Twitter@MyCanberra (60 followers) compareFollow My Canberra Digital on Twitter
FacebookCapital Radio Network (256 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
Like My Canberra Digital on Facebook

Latest news stories

DAB+ proves to be a winner in Canberra - published 14 May 2020, 3.35am bst
2CC and 2CA move into new studios
2CC and 2CA move into new studios - published 1 August 2019, 7.52am bst
Digital radio to get the official switch on in Canberra
Digital radio to get the official switch on in Canberra
Mumbrella - published 19 July 2019, 6.53am bst
Canberra goes digital on Friday
Canberra goes digital on Friday - published 18 July 2019, 7.01am bst

Mobile apps

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Other information

My Canberra Digital logo archive

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This is a user-edited website. Thank you to Jake S for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.