
ABC Southern Queensland

AU flagAustralian radio stations

Listen to ABC Southern Queensland

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Facts and stats

Editorial areaSouthern Queensland
Audience figures111,000 weekly listeners(adults 10+) Xtra Research survey 1/2017

Contact ABC Southern Queensland

Postal address297 Margaret St
QLD 4350
Telephone+61 7 4631 3811
Official website

Social media

Twitter@ABCaustralia (122,982 followers) compareFollow ABC Southern Queensland on Twitter
Twitter: Newsdesk@abcnews (2,234,580 followers) compareFollow ABC Southern Queensland on Twitter
Twitter: Jobs@ABCcareers (6,765 followers) compareFollow ABC Southern Queensland on Twitter
Twitter: Press Office@ABCMediaComms (7,340 followers) compareFollow ABC Southern Queensland on Twitter
Twitter: Sport@abcsport (159,339 followers) compareFollow ABC Southern Queensland on Twitter
FacebookABC Australia (802,226 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
Like ABC Southern Queensland on Facebook
SoundClouduser-156594833 (0 followers) compare

Latest news stories

ABC is the pick of the bunch in Roma - published 20 April 2021, 2.09am bst
Cliffo & Gabi hit it off in Kingaroy - published 16 March 2021, 12.43am gmt
Hit 100.7 on top in Toowoomba
Hit 100.7 on top in Toowoomba - published 6 September 2018, 5.43am bst
Hit 100.7 Darling Downs dominates Xtra Insights Toowoomba Survey 2018
Hit 100.7 Darling Downs dominates Xtra Insights Toowoomba Survey 2018 - published 6 September 2018, 5.42am bst
Roma results released in first ever radio survey - published 3 May 2017, 1.23am bst

Mobile apps



David Curnow Presenter
Ian McNamara Presenter
Kelly Higgins-Devine Presenter
Myf Warhurst Presenter
Philip Clark Presenter - Nightlife
Richard Fidler Presenter - Conversations
Sabra Lane Presenter - AM
Sarah Macdonald Presenter

…at ABC

Kellie Riordan Manager - ABC Audio Studios
Michelle Guthrie Managing Director

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ABC Southern Queensland logo archive

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