
Radio industry gets its own radio station

By James Cridland for
Posted 6 January 2016, 10.03am gmt

Radio is all about communities - and the community of people making radio all over the world is no different to any other: which is why it's great to see the impending launch of inRadio, a new (online) radio station.

Radio Today, the UK and Irish radio industry news website, has operated a live radio station on many occasions (particularly around award ceremonies). That service, RadioTodayLive, will now be a full-time, 24-hour radio station - branded inRadio, with content all about radio.

In a press release, owner Roy Martin said: “It’s always puzzled me why the radio industry doesn’t have a radio station of its own. Even dogs have their own radio station! We’re also looking to the radio industry to provide content to promote your station or the industry in general. Daily breakfast show trails, station sound montages or even award entries which highlight the best of your station are all welcome. inRadio will be full of parody songs, spoof commercials and highlight the best of radio around the world.”'s James Cridland will be contributing opinion and global radio information every week. (But don't let that stop you listening.)

The service will be sponsored by Broadcast Radio. A press release tells us that inRadio will highlight and broadcast a number of radio specific podcasts, such as The RadioToday Programme with Trevor Dann, the Earshot Creative Review with Steve Martin, The Media Podcast with Olly Man, David Lloyd’s Radio Moments, Larry Gifford’s Radio Stuff, the Producer’s Podcast with Ryan Drean, plus content from the Student Radio Association, Sound Women and more.

inRadio will also broadcast hourly news updates, and some exclusive programmes, plus special segments of archive audio such as bloopers, air checks and comedy radio sketches. Commercial breaks will be filled by adverts of interest to the radio industry.

It launches on 16 February; and naturally, already contains details about inRadio in our extensive directory.

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James Cridland
James Cridland — James runs, and is a radio futurologist: a consultant, writer and public speaker who concentrates on the effect that new platforms and technology are having on the radio business. He also publishes a free daily newsletter about podcasting, Podnews, and a weekly radio trends newsletter.