

Wisebuddah is a leading specialist in the production of sonic branding, radio imaging and jingles.
GB flagBritish media companies

Facts and stats

wisebuddah is an independent business specialising in audio and video content and post-production, music composition and station imaging, and talent management for radio and TV broadcasters all over the world.

Former namesWise Buddah
Wisebuddah Jingles
Wise Buddah Jingles

Titles owned

No Sheet Music
GB flag

Contact Wisebuddah

Telephone+44 20 7307 1600
Official website

Social media

Twitter@wisebuddah (2,274 followers) compareFollow Wisebuddah on Twitter
FacebookWisebuddah (1,520 likes) compare
Data is from 2019. Feature awaiting Facebook re-authorisation.
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Latest news stories

Wisebuddah and No Sheet Music extend support for Student Radio
Wisebuddah and No Sheet Music extend support for Student Radio
RadioToday - published 24 September 2024, 12.51pm bst
Wisebuddah creates new sound for Holland’s Sky Radio
Wisebuddah creates new sound for Holland’s Sky Radio
RadioToday - published 17 September 2024, 12.32pm bst
Step up your sonic branding: RDE24 Audio Production
Asia Radio Today - published 19 March 2024, 12.27pm gmt
Hits Radio network launch brand-new Wisebuddah sound
RadioToday - published 17 January 2023, 10.21am gmt


Adam Uytman Head of Content
Chris Nicoll Creative Director IMGR
Lucy Hunt Assistant Producer

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Other information

Wisebuddah logo archive

This is a user-edited website. Thank you to James K, Martin P, Josh L and James C for their edits on this page. See the changelog, or edit it yourself.