
Like Media Group

GB flagBritish media companies

Facts and stats

Like Media Group is a British media company that owns digital radio stations.

The company previously owned FM radio stations in Stockport, Buxton and Ashbourne which were sold to Bauer in June 2021.

Former namesHelius Media Group

Titles owned

GB flagUK
DanceLand Anthems
GB flagUK
Like Country
GB flagUK
Like One UK
GB flagUK
Like Pop
GB flagPortsmouth
Like Retro
GB flagPortsmouth

Contact Like Media Group

Postal addressSuite 3
20 Winchcombe Street
GL52 2LY
Telephone+44 330 043 0673
Official website

Social media

Latest news stories

12 jobs saved by former High Peak Radio owners
12 jobs saved by former High Peak Radio owners
RadioToday - published 5 July 2021, 11.21am bst
Helius Media Group to rebrand as Like Media Group
Helius Media Group to rebrand as Like Media Group
RadioToday - published 3 June 2020, 3.06pm bst
Durham FM and Alpha Radio to return under new ownership
Durham FM and Alpha Radio to return under new ownership
RadioToday - published 10 April 2019, 4.05pm bst


Ian Davies Chairman
Pam Kamali Sales Director
Paul Willett Programme Director
Ryan Davies Managing Director

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Other information

Like Media Group logo archive

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