
Latest Media Group

British media companies

Facts and stats

Latest Media Group, trading as Latest Homes Ltd publishes a range of magazines and products throughout Brighton and Hove.

They also operate the local television channel for Brighton & Hove, Latest TV.

Titles owned

The Kemptown Rag
Kemptown, Brighton
Latest 7
Brighton & Hove
Latest Homes
Brighton & Hove
Latest TV
Brighton & Hove, Adur & Worthing

Contact Latest Media Group

Postal address14-17 Manchester Street
Telephone+44 1273 818150
Official website

Social media

Twitter@latestbrighton (34,890 followers) compare

Latest news stories

Jules Breach
TV Newsroom - published 14 October 2017, 3.00pm bst


Angi Mariani Managing Director
Bill Smith Managing Director

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Other information

Latest Media Group logo archive

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