
Euronews SA

FR flagFrench media companies

Facts and stats

Euronews SA is the company that operates the euronews group of news channels which look at world news from a European perspective.

Media Global Networks is the main shareholder in the company with the controlling stake in the company. Universal Studios Network (NBC News/Comcast) acquired 25% of the company which has allowed euronews English to provide presenter led programming. The rest of the company is owned by various PSB broadcasters across Europe including RTÉ in Ireland and France Télévisions.

In April 2020, Media Globe Networks acquired NBCUniversal's share, giving them a 88% share of the company. This is due to NBCUniversal partnering with Sky, another Comcast company in providing an international news channel instead.

Titles owned

GB flag
FR flagGlobal

Contact Euronews SA

Social media

Twitter@euronewspress (7,229 followers) compareFollow Euronews SA on Twitter

Latest news stories

Euronews Romania launches
Euronews Romania launches
Broadband TV News - published 25 May 2022, 12.16pm bst
Mumbrella’s Summer Shorts series – ep. 21 – the finale
Mumbrella’s Summer Shorts series – ep. 21 – the finale
Mumbrella - published 13 January 2022, 8.50pm gmt
euronews to publish 360° content on smart TVs
Rapid TV News - published 24 January 2018, 5.33pm gmt
Euronews appoints Eurosport’s Caroline de Tauriac
Euronews appoints Eurosport’s Caroline de Tauriac
Broadband TV News - published 2 October 2017, 5.46pm bst
Euronews puts German channel back on satellite
Euronews puts German channel back on satellite
Broadband TV News - published 26 July 2017, 10.52am bst

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