How quickly does update?
We use a variety of data sources to keep updated: but how fast does that happen?
The quickest way of updating is to hit the 'edit' button. We aim to approve all updates within twelve hours, normally faster. You'll get an email when we get to your submission.
Some of the page descriptions and data, where you see a Wikipedia or Freebase credit, come from Wikipedia. We update these weekly from Freebase, who appear to crawl Wikipedia every week. We crawl one person and one media title every minute from Freebase, but never crawl a person/media title more than once a week.
For a media title, we update 'abstract' (the description), format, circulation, pubfrequency, the official website and the Wikipedia page. For a person, we update 'abstract', birthdate, gender, Wikipedia page, official URL and profession. We never take more than 250 characters from the abstract in either case, normally truncating on a sentence break; and we overwrite abstract data with our own information.
We update Twitter (one person, one media title) every minute, and never more than once a day. We monitor profile description changes and review these manually. We do Facebook, audioBoom and TuneIn at a similar pace to Twitter: audioBoom and TuneIn are updated a maximum once a week.
We import data from Ofcom, UK Radioplayer and Radiomonitor on a weekly basis. In Ofcom and Radioplayer's case, we manually review any additions to the data we consume.
We import data from Rajar, NRS and JNLR manually, but aim to do these as soon as new data is available.